The GDR NanoTeraMIR aims to create links and exchanges between the various French research actors in the fields of THz and MIR science and the use of nanosciences and nanotechnologies to further advance these domains. Its scientific objective is to enrich fundamental knowledge on the physical properties of nanomaterials and nanocomponents at THz and MIR frequencies as well as to promote the emergence of new THz and MIR concepts, devices and instrumentations resulting from nanosciences and nanotechnologies.

The 2023 edition of the plenary days of this GDR will bring together the French community working on these general themes (THz, MIR, Nanosciences and Nanotechnologies) for three days from the 24th till the 26th of May in Dunkirk.

Both oral and poster contributions are accepted. The organizing committee has invited several expert speakers who will present latest groundbreaking results on several emerging and hot topics in THz and MIR science.


Deadline for contribution submission: Tuesday April 18th 2023

Registration deadline: Friday April 28th 2023

Welcome: Wednesday May 24th 2023 - 1pm

Closing words: Friday May 26th 2023 - noon


pending further confirmations

  • Jon Gorchon (CNRS , Institut Jean Lamour, Nancy), Magnetization manipulation via THz spin currents
  • Lucile Rutkowski (CNRS, Institut de Physique de Rennes), Cavity enhanced infrared frequency comb spectroscopy in supersonic jets: methods and current developments
  • Jean-Louis Coutaz (Professeur de physique émerite, IMEP LAHC, Université Savoie Mont Blanc), Towards sub-wavelength optical rectification terahertz imaging
  • Lina Gatilova (LERMA Observatoire de Paris), Space qualified Schottky diodes MMIC for SWI instrument of JUICE mission
  • Jean-Michel Manceau (CNRS, C2N, Palaiseau), Ultrafast Dynamics in Intersubband Polaritons







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